

Only through a unified effort can we limit undue government intervention, and compete openly in the marketplace to the ultimate benefit of the consumer.

Our Government Relations Team is incredibly proud for the opportunity to further the distinguished legacy of the Food Industry Alliance of New York State, which has existed for 125 years.  


Key to our success is the Government Relations Committee. Comprised of members with broad expertise in both government and industry operations, we formulate targeted policy initiatives that provide maximum impact.

Implementing the agenda set forth by the committee is our Government Relations Team, which holds decades of experience in working among the highest levels of state and local governments. With this knowledge, we strategically navigate the complex political and legislative landscapes to successfully leverage the strength of our unified membership.  

The Government Relations Team also heavily relies on participation from our Food Safety Committee. Members of the committee provide critical insight and advice on issues relating to sanitary food handling practices across various departments. FIA members are committed to ensuring the highest standards for freshness and safety of all food products offered to New York’s families.